Wow, my first real milestone! Stories From the First Watch now has over 100 downloads for its first four episodes (which you can listen to on Podbean. Thank you to everyone who has given this very DIY project a chance! 

I have learned a lot through making this show, and if I could do it all again there are definitely elements of the writing, gameplay and audio that I would improve upon, but I'm treating the show as a learning experience. Hopefully by episode 100 (!) everything will be a lot more polished.

A big thanks to Jon at Tale of the Manticore for including SFTFW in his list of recommendations. Also thanks again to Simon at Legend of the Bones for being a brilliant mentor!

I'm working on episode 4 (which, confusingly, is the fifth episode - one of those things I may have changed if I had my way again), which I'm hoping to get out in a couple of weeks.

From now on, I'm going to start trying to put out shownotes after each episode is published, and help expand the game and the world it's set in.



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